I Appeal To Caesar!

• The end of time will see the greatest profusion of Miracle power ever known.

• Satan’s evil plans and intentions will be overcome, his influence terminated.

• There will be one people of God—made up of both Jew and

Gentile—one Church, without denominational differences.

The twenty-four elders listen with rapt attention. Representing the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 Apostles of the Lamb, the old and the new, the beginning and the ending, they stand with raised hands to God and give full and unrestrained praise as the majestic plan unfolds before their very eyes. All heaven, “the great cloud of witnesses” (Heb. 12:1) realize that the long-hoped-for climax of the ages has almost arrived! * * * * * The announcement is new, completely unexpected by either angels or the redeemed. Although it may seem that those in heaven have instant knowledge of all things, both spiritual and natural, this announcement is divinely fresh and brilliant and received with unreserved, unquestioned praise. Joy sweeps through the heavenly hosts! The Lord explains to the multiplied millions in attendance (without the aid of a microphone!) that there is but one man for this special assignment. A man, already well known by all the church through the ages because of his spiritual leadership and sacrifice, who has been both a living and dying martyr, who possesses the supreme gift for

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