I Appeal To Caesar!

Nervous soldiers glance at one another in confusion, amazement, and concern. Some begin to search their own hearts. The Christians smile, and formerly restrained words are now heard.

“Praise the Lord!”

“Prayer is answered!”

“A miracle has happened!”

The lictors are struck dumb by the announcement. How can this man renounce his coveted position of power to believe in a crucified Savior? Hardened by death marches, executions, and burials, never in all their experience have they ever envisioned something like this could happen!

Tears of joy flow from Paul’s eyes, and his heart


Rufus, methodically and for the last time, removes his entire military uniform with its Roman insignia. Finally, his muscular, bronzed, scarred body is only clothed in a loincloth. “You, Sergius, beloved assistant, and fellow soldier in many battles, are now in charge and you will discharge your duty!” Saying this, Rufus comes and stands beside Paul, his apostle of faith. The situation seems awkward to everyone but Paul and Rufus. Suddenly, Justus runs forward and speaks softly to Paul, “Your life has changed my life. And I now publicly make Jesus Lord of all that I am!”

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