I Appeal To Caesar!

Finally free of Rome’s chains, Paul weakly stands with a benign, triumphant look upon his face. A heavenly peace has passed through him and his face now becomes angelic in appearance. Jesus is with him! Suddenly, the sanctity of the moment is shattered! Paul’s garment is harshly torn and jerked to the waist, baring the prisoner’s scared, emaciated upper torso. The hooded executioner, a powerful man, stands waiting and naked as required. He holds up for viewing the heavy, razor-sharp Sword of Execution: a broad, five-foot, double-blade that can sever a neck with one powerful stroke. * * * * * Abruptly, to the amazement of all, Commander Rufus calls for attention. Loudly, clearly and with firm commitment, he makes a startling announcement: “I now issue my last command as a Commander in the Praetorian Guard and my order is to be specifically followed with no hesitation. I have full authority in this situation and I now use it! “Today, I renounce my Roman citizenship and freely relinquish my position as a Commander-Centurion in the Praetorian Guard! Although I know that my decision means that I must die by the Sword of Rome, I now confess that I have become a Christian and I choose to die with Paul. I go with him to the heavenly Kingdom of the one and only God. I make Jesus the Christ the supreme Lord of my life!”

An absolute silence . . . a brush of peace… the crowd

is stunned. . . ! An amazing tranquility…

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