I Appeal To Caesar!

burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you.”

Gradually, strength fails, and each prisoner is gently placed on a stretcher. The procession continues the last leg of the death march, but now they are joined by lictors , Roman officers appointed to accompany the death squads and give official sanction to the executions. These officials are easily identified by the fasces they carry at the head of the procession: a bundle of rods with an ax head projecting, a warning to the general public of official duty being exercised. * * * * * Finally, the martyrs reach the place of parting, the Porta Ostiensis .

The Commander speaks firmly but kindly, “Prisoners,

you must now go separate ways to your executions.”

Barely able to sustain themselves, the two apostles stand on shaking limbs. Weeping as they say their momentary goodbye, the blood flows from their bodies, blending in their joyful embrace. They cry for joy, knowing they will soon be together delighting in the unending bliss of eternal life.

“We go to meet our blessed Lord!” Paul says.

“Christ always leads us in triumph!” Peter cries.

“Fear not, the Gates of Hades cannot keep the Church

from her final triumph!”

“We go to a better place, Paul!”

“For me to live is Christ and to die is gain!”

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