I Appeal To Caesar!

with a squad of men to take Paul and Peter to their executions.” Rufus knows, of course, that he is violating Nero’s specific orders, nevertheless, he will spare Paul and Peter the extreme pain of more days in the black hole.

Actually, a daring plan has formed in the

Commander’s mind . . . .

Justus rushes forward, interrupting his thoughts.

“Please, sir, may I come with you tomorrow?”

Realizing he is not the only one experiencing change, Rufus tells the younger man to present himself on the early morrow and come with the detachment. Arrangements are made for the following morning. The Centurion will also bring his second in command and a much smaller detachment of the military unit to take Peter to his place of crucifixion. * * * * * Rufus and his Guards arrive early at the Mamertine Prison. As the superior officer present, the Commander takes charge. “Bring up Paul and Peter. Be careful how you handle them, they are both very fragile. Nero wants them to die at their places of execution, not here!” Justus and three other soldiers gingerly hoist the two great leaders out of the hole: as emaciated prisoners watch and cheer. The inmates sing and shout their encouragement and hope with newfound enthusiasm. God has not forgotten

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