I Appeal To Caesar!

The grateful prisoner pats the Commander’s arm,

blinking his eyes in thanks.

* * * * * The Praetorian Guard, one hundred Centurions strong, steadily moves forward in a cadenced, muffled sound of marching feet. Bum…bum…bum…bum…. As Rome’s pride pass in review through the city, gloom sweeps over the observers who line the roadsides. All eyes focus on the skeletal man on the stretcher, chained to a Centurion, accompanied by a Commander and a Century of Rome’s pride. Something significant is taking place! * * * * * The prison comes into view, and with it, a sense of dread and death spreads through the ranks of the battle- toughened troops. The Mamertine Prison is a grim, foreboding place, feared and despised by the citizens of Rome. Local people even hate to say the name of this living hell that festers in the heart of their city. This prison is a place of total meltdown for prisoners, an absolute pit of death. Prisoners taken out for execution actually are grateful to leave. Indisputably, Mamertine is the closest place in this life to what the burning Hades of eternity is said to be like. Every soldier in the Century is solemn, realizing that something of major consequence happened in that meeting with Nero. Every soldier feels as though some kind of spiritual presence has settled over the death march. * * * * *

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