I Appeal To Caesar!

Chapter 14 Hell-hole and Execution “My departure is at hand”

June 29, 67 AD, Rome

ommander Rufus knows something marvelous and transforming has happened within himself, something he cannot explain! He shakes his head in wonderment, determined to figure it out later. For now, however, this miserable prisoner will receive full attention. Obviously Paul lacks the strength to walk to that prison. The old soldier concludes, with a sympathy that even surprises himself, “I will use my authority and not enforce it: Paul will not walk .” He speaks brusquely to four of his strongest soldiers, “Make a stretcher so that Paul can be carried to Mamertine! Be quick about it!”

This is a practiced task by the soldiers and they move

with precision.

The march resumes, Rufus walks beside the stretcher on the left. Paul remains manacled to Justus, the younger Centurion, who strides on the right side of the stretcher. Tears squeeze from the old soldier’s eyes as he ponders the futility of the Roman lifestyle vs. the wonder of eternal life.

Paul is extremely weak, too weak to even talk.

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