I Appeal To Caesar!

Gaining sympathy through his sterling example, he shifts the cause of blame for the fire to the “rebellious” Christians, and his suggestion gradually gains grudging acceptance.

This marks the beginning of Nero’s reign of terror

against Christians.

AD 66, Probably in the Summer

In the bustling seaport of Troas on the northeastern shore of the Aegean, the port from which he had first set sail for Europe nearly ten years before, Paul functions as a free man, busily engaged in Christian ministry. One day, while ministering in the home of Christian friends, a heavy, incessant knock sounds at the front door. As the host rises to answer, the door is kicked open. The family recoils in fear.

Four Roman soldiers and a hired investigator rush in

upon Paul and his friends.

“Who are you looking for? What do you want?”

demands Paul.

Instantly two of the soldiers grab Paul’s arms.

“You are Paul of Tarsus, a Jew who is a Roman citizen and a ringleader of the Christian sect! You are accused of treason!”

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