I Appeal To Caesar!

deaths. Like a great, hungry monster the fire roars on, swallowing houses, land, and people.

Unstoppable, unquenchable fire!

But, how did the fire start? Who is to blame?

Certainly a debated issue, but a strong rumor among the citizens immediately places the blame on Nero, saying he wants to rebuild the capital city to feed his ego. Also, unknown persons are seen running through the city tossing flaming torches into buildings. When challenged, they respond they are doing so under orders. People trying to put out the fire are warned against such action. * * * * * Nero returns to his burning city. He climbs to the summit of a central watchtower and watches with glee as his capital becomes a blazing, uncontrollable, all-encompassing fire. Putting on an actor’s robe and covering his face with an actor’s mask, he takes a harp in hand and breaks into an ecstatic song for the benefit of his idolizing associates. He sings the “Destruction of Troy” while watching Rome burn to the ground. Nero neatly shifts blame from himself by plunging into a frantic effort to feed and comfort the poor and suffering. He personally labors to the point of exhaustion and also supplies coinage for restoration from his personal funds.

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