I Appeal To Caesar!

Finally, he is granted his wish: Paul will go before Caesar himself and plead his own case. He is now placed under the personal custody of Julius, a centurion and member of the imperial guard; they prepare to sail for Rome!

The Journey Paul took Back to Rome To Plead His Case Before Caesar

Half-way to Rome

After changing ships in Crete, Julius booked passage on an Egyptian grain ship headed for Italy, a much larger ship with 265 persons on board (sailors, soldiers and prisoners). Two of Paul’s friends travel with him, Luke and Aristarchus. Unfortunately, a poor decision was made by the ship’s captain, the ship’s helmsman and the centurion: they determined to set sail from Fair Havens on the Island of Crete, which is about midway in their trip to Rome. Paul wisely warned that they should not vacate this port, but the decision was still made to go ahead in spite of Paul’s advice. The three

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