I Appeal To Caesar!

explains who he is, and what he has done: he declares himself to be a dedicated Jew, and also announces that he is a disciple of Jesus Christ. When he finally declares that God is sending him to the Gentiles. The crowd erupts! They scream and yell, some remove their outer garments, and others throw handfuls of dust in the air in protest! Immediately the Commander brings Paul into the Fortress to examine him. It then becomes known by the frightened soldiers that Paul is a Roman citizen, which means he cannot be beaten without a trial, or there will be dire consequences! * * * * * The Commander, Claudius Lysias, knowing he could not harm or incarcerate a Roman citizen without trial, has Paul immediately transported under heavy guard to Caesarea for protection and possible trial. A two-year residence in Caesarea for Paul now begins. During that time, he has several hearings, sometimes with the Sanhedrin leaders present. Paul gives his testimony before Governor Antonias Felix, and also the successor Governor Porcius Festus, and King Agrippa and his wife Bernice. Finally, having witnessed in his best possible way to the Roman leaders, Roman soldiers, the Jewish Sanhedrin and the Christians of Caesarea, it becomes obvious to Paul that he will never get a just verdict in Judea; he invokes the prerogative of every Roman citizen and declares, β€œI appeal to Caesar!” With grateful hearts, the disgruntled Roman leaders declare, β€œTo Caesar you shall go!”

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