I Appeal To Caesar!

The young sentry on duty is somewhat naïve and nervous as he peers down over the parapet of his tower station toward the huge open courtyard surrounding the Jewish Temple. Too many people are coming and going into the outer courts! He is worried, scared and acutely aware that he must not fail on his watch, but how can he monitor all these people!

Startled, he is conscious that the Commander of the

fortress has just made an unexpected visit to his station!

“Sir,” the young soldier stutters somewhat, “it seems unusual that you would come to the tower. Do you expect trouble?” “Well, soldier,” the older man says, “I have served Rome for thirty years in many places, and this city and its people, I tell you, are very different from any other place or people in the Roman Empire. The people hate us, and there is a constant agitation going on, especially during their religious Feast Days. Keep a sharp eye on the situation below!” Suddenly, both men catch the sounds of uprising, and as the Commander himself peers over the parapet of the tower, he instinctively sees and knows a major disturbance is about to erupt. In fact, it seems a roar is beginning to ascend from the whole city. Forgetting his position and dignity, the nervous Commander literally runs down the tower stairs, yelling for the trumpeter to sound “Alarm!” and “Assembly!” Within minutes the Commander himself leads 100 armed men, officers and soldiers, at a fast pace down the stairs into the

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