I Appeal To Caesar!
winning edge. “Taking a walk with Jesus” combines both in a wonderful and profitable way!
The walk to Assos supplies a much-needed time of rejuvenation, refreshing and recharging a time for both silent meditation as well as audible expression. Paul praises and worships, lifting hands and voice, shouting acclamations to Almighty God and audibly declaring choice confessions of Scripture. How wonderful to pray in the Holy Spirit! Singing the songs of Zion! Reveling in the things of God! Paul deeply enjoys Jesus’ secret of worshiping in Spirit and in Truth! Paul also reminisces quietly: considering past lessons learned and listening for personal enhancement and future assignment. The solitary man feeds upon the ways and doings of God. The Roman road allows the apostle to make good time; fortunately, he meets few travelers that day. Pushing forward in confidence, he wields his walking stick with dexterity. He is grateful for those last three months in Corinth, so profitable! Paul wrote a long, careful letter to the Church at Rome, introducing himself and alerted the Christians of his plan to visit Rome and perhaps even Spain! That epistle, he thinks, presents his finest Scriptural presentation on the Law and Grace of God (now the Book of Romans in modern Bibles). It is his masterpiece for understanding and unifying Jewish and Gentile believers in Jesus the Christ: a careful distillation of years of serious thought and study.
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