I Appeal To Caesar!
“Yes, a prophet from Nazareth, Jesus by Name, has been healing the sick, even raising the dead! In Galilee, great throngs of people follow Him. He teaches wonderful things about God’s Kingdom.” “Yes!” interrupts another excited neighbor, “and Jesus does not teach like the Pharisees, with all their dos and don’ts, but he emphasizes purity of heart!” “Wait! Let me talk!” cries one of the husbands. “One of my relatives, Levi by name, in the Capernaum area was badly injured several years ago. No physician has been able to bring healing to his crushed legs, and he was barely able to hobble around on a stick crutch. “He was invited by a disciple of Jesus to join a group of sick and injured people that would be brought to hear Jesus teach. At the end of His teaching, Jesus shared that healing of illness is part of the agenda of the Kingdom of God. Jesus’ disciples brought the sick forward. Slowly, Jesus passed among these forsaken people. . . . His words were kind and he touched many in a loving way. Then, like a gentle breeze, a healing wave was felt by that group of poor, sick, and discouraged people.”
“YES!” shouted another excited observer, “And all
were healed!”
“Oh-o-o!” The excitement in the whole group rises
even higher!
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