Holy Boldness
When King Herod became aware that the Magi had left without sought-after information, it threw him into a rage of jealousy in which he ordered a murderous rampage through the surrounding area of Beth lehem killing all male children two and under. (Though we do not have any extra-biblical verification of this event, it is completely consistent with who we know Herod to have been, for history records that out of jealousy he had two of his own sons executed as well as his favorite wife, whom he afterward mourned to the point of depression and insanity.) Herod’s response reveals the opposite of the fear of the Lord. People who use manipulation and control to gain power are always threatened by those who hold a legitimate claim to authority even if they are mere children. Joseph, being warned by another dream, escaped with Mary and Jesus before Herod’s assault could materialize. Jesus would continue in the early days to be the cause of danger to Mary and Joseph until they finally found a home in Nazareth of Galilee. Here again one observes an amazing contrast. The King of Israel did not know where the Messiah was supposed to be born, and yet, astrologers from a distant land were led by the sighting of a star to his home. Those who should know are unaware. And those whom one would think would be out of the loop discover the truth. God is not far from any one of us and yet it is the humble and contrite who have access to the real truth of the matter while the proud are left in the dark. A person can be close to a situation and be in the dark while another seemingly far away may see a guiding star and be brought into the light. Dreams are important ways of divine communication. Five times in the first two chapters of Matthew important information is commu nicated through dreams: Joseph is told not to be afraid to take Mary as His wife. The magi are warned not to inform Herod that they found the newborn king. Then an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and told him to flee to Egypt to escape Herod’s designs to destroy Jesus. Then once again in another dream, an angel told Joseph it was time to return to Israel but he was directed to the northern region of Galilee and not the area around Jerusalem. This too was the fulfillment of prophecy. (See Isaiah 9: 1,2) Warnings through dreams
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