Holy Boldness

to her. God shapes history by declaring His intentions over people’s lives. The wise who live in the fear of the Lord take note, remember, ponder and meditate over the declared intentions of God. The meanings of things are always more profound than one can imagine. It would be easy to judge things in the moment. A true under standing of anything takes time. People who judge events in the moment are often impatient, shallow and out of touch with God’s bigger agenda. There is always more going on than what is immediately apparent when God is doing something. Listening to what God was saying through angels and prophets and witnesses was characteristic of who Mary and Joseph were. The only way they were able to walk out their destiny with Jesus was to refuse to make quick judgments. They gave things time to play out. Simeon’s prophecy about the hearts of many being revealed proved to be true almost immediately. Indeed, the true heart of Israel’s current king, Herod the Great , was revealed at the first mention of Jesus. History does not paint a flattering description of Herod. It records him as politically ruthless, spiritually dull, deeply suspicious, and most signifi cantly, insanely insecure about his reputation and position. Into this powder keg of insecurity came the disturbing news from an unanticipated source. “Magi from the east” came looking for the newborn “king of the Jews,” explaining “For we saw his star in the east and have come to worship Him.” (Matthew 2:2) These men were probably Persian astrologers known for their stargazing. Ancient historians record ed that certain wise men from the east traveled as far as Rome looking for a certain king. Suetonius and Tacitus, two Roman historians, both record that at the turn of the era there was an expectation of a world ruler who would come from Judea. The important fact is that the coming of the wise men “troubled” the irrational king of Israel. Herod asked the magi to find the child and report back to him so that he too could worship him. The magi were somehow miraculously directed to Jesus. They brought him gifts fitting for a king, gold, frankincense, and myrrh. These gifts were more than tokens but substantial and likely enabled Mary and Joseph significantly to provide for their son. The magi left as suddenly as they came but being warned in a dream about Herod’s motives, they left without informing him where he might find Jesus. Physical and Political Threats


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