Holy Boldness

Another critical issue of friendship is not only to know what the father is doing but know why He is doing it. “ All that I have heard from the father, I have made known to you.” This speaks of deeper intimacy with the Lord. Jesus reveals to His friends what He has heard from the Father. Jesus reveals to His disciples not only His acts but His ways. Who are Jesus’ friends? Those who obey Him. This is another realm of intimacy that moves from the what to the why. Obedience leads to deeper understanding and knowing the truth . Obedience leads to the truth getting lodged into you so that it becomes part of you. When truth becomes a part of you, when it makes its home in you, when you are deeply reconciled to the truth as it is in Jesus, then you will stop chaffing at why God does things the way He does. You will be able to rejoice with Jesus in the ways of the Father. Then you will be deeply reconciled to His heart. Then you will agree with Him and His ways. Then we will be able to say, “ His ways have become our ways and His thoughts, our thoughts.” Friendship with God is about a deep reconcilia tion with who He is. Much of the church lives in confusion about what is going on in the world as well as in their own heart because they have not sought to understand Jesus intimately. Many call upon the name of the Lord for help in crisis but not for relationship and understanding of what He wants. God is sought by many for personal gain and help but not for relationship. Most seek His hand but not His face. And that is why there is so much confusion among God’s people about what He is doing and what is happening in the world. The devil is always making a fuss. But Jesus is quietly and efficiently building His kingdom. Deep in His heart, there remains a search for His true companions. “The eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may show himself strong in behalf of those whose heart is completely his.” Is Jesus still seeking the lost? Is He still looking for friends? Jesus said, “If you keep my word then you are truly disciples of mine and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31, 32) Keeping His word, obeying His word leads to a discipling relationship with the Lord, which leads to truth, which leads to freedom.


Near the end of His life, Jesus made this astounding announce-

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