Holy Boldness
One of the first things we must do in becoming the friend of Christ is to learn to be obedient. Jesus said to his own disciples, “You are my friends if you do what I command you.” What is obedience? “True obedience is active listening resulting in submission and compliance.” 28 Active listening means that one is attentive to the person speaking and makes a point not only to hear but to understand. Then one must expend effort to comply. If we are going to sing, I am the friend of God , then we must start obeying Him. You may be thinking that “salvation is by faith, not by works.” True. And yet, obedience is an act of faith and a demonstration of it. (See James 2:14-17) And I am not talking about being saved. I am talking about becoming God’s friend. How can we become His friend if we have no intention of obeying Him? What is Jesus even saying if He is not emphasizing a deeper intimacy that is granted to those who are obedient? The disobedient do not have the capacity to engage the deeper realms of God. They simply do not have the maturity level. Many people received powerful ministry from Jesus who never became His friend. They got healed and that was it. He loved them but their love for Him was more about what He did for them. They sought His hand but not His face. But the obedient are seeking God for His sake. Obedience does something to us internally that nothing else can do. When one is committed to obedience and follows through, that action of conformity to His will not only changes a person’s perspective but it changes one’s capacity to engage the truth meaningfully. People who experience for giveness experience His love. People who walk in obedience experience His love on a different plain. Those who look for new truth or revelation and find it but never act on it, are dulling their ability to hear. The seed gets sown but the birds of the air quickly eat it because it was sown on hard ground. (See Matt. 13:19) Why is obedience necessary to be God’s friend?
Why God does what He does
This is a quote from someone but I cannot remember who. If
this is you I will gladly give credit in the next edition.
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