Holy Boldness
of money dominates someone’s life, they become enslaved and are no longer free to serve God. The obsessive pursuit of money becomes enslavement to money and will draw us away from the purpose of God. At this point, the person is serving mammon and not God. The spirit of mammon seeks to elevate the importance of money in people’s hearts so that a person believes that he cannot get anything done without it. It likes to intimidate people into a compromise. The spirit of mammon always insists that you are going to die without it. It demands allegiance and threatens immediate and permanent damage if it is not obeyed. But the fact is that mammon is always at odds with God’s agenda. Mammon is not money. It is a spirit of convenience. It is a spirit of pragmatism. It fosters unbelief and holds faith in contempt. It is a false God. It is a closed system that makes no room for divine intervention. It accuses people of fanaticism if they dare to believe in the God who intervenes. Every person will be challenged ultimately by the spirit of mammon. It demands allegiance. Its ultimate expression is the mark of the beast . It insists that nothing can be done without it. And that is why I never agree with anyone who says that you can’t serve God without money. Money is necessary but as we have already said, faith and obedi ence are the currency of the Kingdom because it is these which gain God’s favor and pull Him into the game. Money is a servant not a master. Money must come under the feet of a people who know how to use it without it using them. A person cannot serve the spirit of mammon and be free to walk with God. It wants to be the master. It will demand allegiance to itself one way or another. Jesus said that you cannot serve both God and money.
A Personal Testimony
In my journey with the Lord, twice I have showed up at an auction to bid on a building that was for sale. I once showed up with money and failed to purchase the building and another time I showed up with no money, and ended up purchasing the building. The first time I had enough money to buy the building but not with the favor of God. Instead, I went to the auction with presumption and pride and at
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