Holy Boldness

• It is to give honor to whom honor is due. 5. The fear of the Lord directs one’s heart towards obedience and agreement towards God and away from self-willed stubbornness and independence. • It changes a person’s internal focus from self-centeredness to God-centeredness. • It creates an atmosphere of awareness of God’s pleasure or displeasure of certain attitudes and activities. • It makes a person more keenly aware of God’s thoughts about events and people. 6. The fear of the Lord lays the foundation for true under standing, wisdom, knowledge, and discernment. • It is the key to all essential learning. • It is the essential key for discerning truth from error. • It is protection against manipulation and control. • It is the source of true judgment vs. unrighteous judgment. 7. The fear of the Lord is the realization that God is intimate ly interested in all that we say and do as a loving father but also as a judge. • It is to realize that God is for us and wants us to prosper. • It is to recognize that we must give an account for our life. • It is to live before Him in profound delight but also reveren tial fear. • The fear of the Lord is to make knowing, serving, and loving God our single highest priority and greatest delight. • The fear of the Lord is a foundation for all of life. Those who fear the Lord will know God and be known by God. The fear of the Lord makes doing the will of God the highest priority which simplifies one’s life and releases joy and achievement. The fear of the Lord is to be a man or woman after God’s own heart.


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