Holy Boldness

2. The Fear of the Lord is an aggressive commitment to knowing and agreeing with what God is thinking and saying. • It orients our life towards God before anything else. • It suspends our wants and interests until His are made clear. • It is to align our life with God and not around ourl desires or ambitions. • It is to seek a place in His agenda instead of expecting Him to acquiesce/concede to ours. • It is to consider His interests above our own. • It is to evaluate all of life and its events in light of Him. • It is to be wary of proceeding without His knowledge and approval. 3. The fear of the Lord is deeply relational. • It is to make “knowing God” the highest good. • It is the key to finding our true identity. • It is to recognize and call God our father, i.e.the source of our identity. • It is the delight of pleasing God, rather than the fear of pun ishment. • It is to love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength. 4. The fear of the Lord is the opposite of the fear of man. • It is “God-centered” as opposed to “man-centered.” • It is to live for divine approval over man’s approval. • It is to esteem what God thinks over man’s opinion. • It is to give God supreme authority over our life. • It is to shape our life and character around the known will and character of God.


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