Beginning Tomorrow Today - By Timothy Sherman
non-release, because the things we had spoken felt like they could happen at any moment. We didn't understand this level o fthe fear o f the Lord, something we felt but were certainly unaccustomed to. We did not know that parts of those prophetic decrees would become insights of foreknowledge into the events of9/11 in New York City, Boston, and Washington. Those cities were specifically named with details woven through the entirety of the message, especially James Berkley's decrees. We got together immediately after the meeting. We prayed in shock and then talked at length about what we thought it all meant. We shared with each other the things we were seeing in visions as we were bringing His message. We had seen things we had not spoken at the prophetic meeting but which came out in the interpretations afterward. I compiled the following prophecy from several differ ent prophetic decrees given and recorded during that same session by James and myself. This compilation is for revealing the hidden message spoken, which was woven plainly through the prophecies spoken to New England and the Northeast. These prophetic dec larations revealed the terrorist attacks of 9/11, showing the Father's heart of mercy for all. TIMOTHY: ''And the Lord is charging His people; the lightnings of God are ready to strike through your land. Do you want to take the land? I've heard your cry. I love you, I bless you, but I tell you by the sure mercies of God that the Northeast and New England belong to the stewardship of the Chief Shepherd and Bish op, Jesus. And the Lord is calling you to come together, and humble yourselves. And the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Grace, charges you to watch over HIS FLOCK in His stead. The flock is not yours but you are under-shepherds. And now take your cities back out o fthe hands of the evil one, out of the hands of the liberal agenda, the hands of humanism, the hands of the adulterous, perverse spirits that cause divorce and premature death and perversity. Take it back from the hands o f the religious spirit. Take it out of the hands o f the doctrines 92
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