Beginning Tomorrow Today - By Timothy Sherman

''And I will move with might and power. I'm going to move in their cities (of New England and the Northeast) and bring shak ing. This will come very soon. And know when it comes that it will be a sign that I am shaking the foundations of this nation and bring ing about My foundation. I will establish it. I will bring it to pass by the sign in New York City!"

Two weeks after this meet ing, more detailed words re garding the events of 9/11 were prophetically revealed to James Berkley and me in great de tail. This occurred almost five months before the events of 9/11 took place. They were spo ken and recorded on 4-20-2001.

It seemed like a token of the terror of the Lord, a little known and very unpopular subject.

James and Glenda and I were speaking at New Life Christian Fellowship in Ludlow, Vermont. Steve McCullough serves as prophet and pastor in this church where about fifty people were in attendance. Near the end of the two-day gathering a very strong anointing of the fear of the Lord came forth containing fu ture vision, encouragement, reproofs, and warnings for the region of the Northeast and New England. These lengthy prophetic declara tions came forth from both James and me, very quickly in tag-team progression. It was very powerful, and it scared and humbled us all. This mode of ministry was very unusual because of the awe and high level of God's presence. It seemed like a token of the terror of the Lord, a little known and very unpopular subject.James and I were declaring at length, one after another, future events over several states and cit ies in the Northeast and New England. The prophetic word left us in awe and wonder and I confiscated the recording immediately for


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