Beginning Tomorrow Today - By Timothy Sherman

seemed to engulf me. It was a perfect moment oflove.

In the next moment I was aware of the warmth and the bright light of the sun that was shining through the windows while I was kneeling to pray in my room. I raised my head from my Bible. I had only been in this dream, vision, or whatever had just happened, for just a few minutes as the rays of sunlight had only moved just enough to be bathing my head and shoulders in their life-giving substance. I was in shock and wonder and overwhelmed by the most powerful presence of God and His love that I had ever experienced! WOW! "What just happened?" I uttered in wonderment a few times. I had never experienced anything like this. It was real, and I knew it, but it couldn't be. Things like this just don't happen, -- or do they? But it was so real that I could not dismiss this as just another dream or vision. For weeks this was on my mind constantly as I prayed about it, trying to get some answers. I began to share it with a few friends but most of them dismissed it as a pizza dream or a LSD flashback from my hippie days. I had very little credibility as a new believer and was not considered reliable concerning any prophetic insights. This was God's plan. I had no vocabulary to make things of the Spirit plain and understandable, so I stopped sharing it publicly. When the conversations turned to the supernatural I gave only the short version. Few really believed the other incredible and quite spectacular experiences I was having. Some of my close circle of friends consisting of some the fringe and prophetic types and some of the unbelievers I knew were more open-minded than most believers. It is amazing how hungry and open people are now for the supernatural compared to the seventies and eighties. Things began to really change in some church circles in the prophetic areas o f revela tion in the early eighties and increased quickly in the mid-nineties. Spiritual and supernatural experiences continue to increase and so do psychic and occult practices that come from the dark side and not from the Holy Spirit. We need to have spiritual discernment and let 78

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