Beginning Tomorrow Today - By Timothy Sherman
in an interpreter and he demanded answers to the very same ques tions they had asked immediately at my betrayal and arrest. I was taken into a plain, small, room and placed in a chair in the middle o f the room. One of th e guards handcuffed me and slapped me very hard with an open palm, jarring my neck and body. Anoth er guard pulled out an automatic han dgun and laid it on a small table right in front of me. My interrogation took less than an hour. My answers were referred to as lies and insanity. It went something like this: "Wh " o are you.
"I'm Timothy Sherman." "Where are you from?" "Hot Springs, Arkansas, United States of America." "How did you get in this Gulag?" "I was at home in Arkansas praying when God sud
denly translated me into your midst." "Why?"
"So I could preach the gospel o fJesus Christ to you and everyone else in this prison, so you might receive forgiveness of sin and the free gift of eternal life." They laughed and mocked me. Then the official slapped me again several times, and things became very blurry for a while. An official who was not in uniform called me a spy or CIA operative and wanted to know how I had secretly come into their facility and what my orders were. "Which of the military prisoners, scientists or political pris oners have you talked to?" He even mentioned a few Russian names I did not know. He wanted to know how I was hidden and by whom and how long I had been there. He stated that he knew I had been there many weeks and demanded to know how long. I chose not to answer these questions but to tell him how much Jesus loved him and why He died on the cross for him. "God has forgiven you of all the things you are ashamed of 76
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