Beginning Tomorrow Today - By Timothy Sherman
the door and into this highest realm. He was translated into the third heaven, into the throne room, and was beholding the resurrected and glorified Jesus Christ Who shines brighter than the sun at noon day. This glory turned into a full circle rainbow around the sapphire throne in the middle of the crystal sea. He was awestruck by this incredible panorama of seven lamps blazing with fire, of angels, of the seraphim with six wings full of eyes on each side and their four faces each; one like a lion, one like a calf, one like a man and one like a flying eagle."
The twenty four elders left their heavenly thrones and in their white robes they fell on their faces and cast their crowns at the King's feet. Peals of thunder rolled as light ning flashed everywhere while John gazed in wonder at the holiest of things one's eyes could ever look upon, and
It's an amazing thing that all believers are invited to come boldly into this throne room, at anytime we desire, and, in faith, accept it and believe.
much more, as all of heaven worships Jesus with singleness of de votion. It's an amazing thing that all believers are invited to come boldly into this throne room, at anytime we desire, and, in faith, accept it and believe. The greater the focus, the more real the experi ence. Many have experienced a literal translation into this place-of all-places as John did.
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