Beginning Tomorrow Today - By Timothy Sherman

and its power to hold nations hostage to its evil desires through the constant threat of nuclear war. This was her burden for the peoples of that part of the world. While she was staying in my parents' home in Gillette I spent some quality time with her on several occasions. She invited me to join a team of fewer than twelve people to go to Russia and its neighbor Finland. She is an incredible woman of God of the highest integrity and anointing, a true mother in Israel who has ministered in Israel faithfully for many years. I was excited by the thought of finally go ing back to Russia, this time by plane. To see this incredible place from outside the prison walls and to meet the people I had loved and prayed for so deeply all those years would be a great reward. God had promised I would return. It all sounded so good. Everything was coming together. We would minister in forbidden places and at secret meetings at great threat to our freedom or maybe even our lives if caught. It was an honor for me, and a great adven ture in the Lord. I felt that all of us who were invited were hand picked from different parts o f the United States to go to Red Square, Moscow, Russia, on an intercessory prayer vigil to tear down the strongholds of Satan over those nations. We were adding our part to that of millions of other saints praying around the world to set the Soviet Union free from communism. God was bringing a Jesus invasion to that massive block of hundreds of thousands, even millions, of persecuted saints, to the lost and dying, and to the persecuted and forgotten Jewish com munities as well. But the fullness of time, God's set time, had yet to come. God spoke and I heard, "Wait. Others may; you may not. It isn't your time for Russia yet. The time draws near. Pray and prepare for supernatural miracles, for provision, souls, and an effectual door of entrance. Remember, your entry was by My sovereignty and My creative realm oflight, for I spoke and you became light!"


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