Beginning Tomorrow Today - By Timothy Sherman

room and every room in my soul. I fell at His feet in awe and in the fear that He would leave. His open, manifest presence did leave after a few minutes but not His abiding presence or the things He revealed to me. The consciousness and singleness of His full pres ence was within me and in my apartment for months, and I felt like a sanctuary. His inner audible voice is even in me now, very often showing me things to come. Words form from thoughts He laser beams into the tablets of my heart. For example, "Prophesy: Communism and the cold war in its present state will end. A new war that is a very old war will grow by the sword oflslam." He has been revealing more to me from that time until now concerning the latter times we are living in and the rise of globalism and the advancing o f His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. "I will send you to Russia. You will be a part of the harvest that I will show you. You will be there at the time of liberation; the Iron Curtain will be removed."The Lord clearly revealed to me, "Wait until I send you there; do not go before the right time, My set time." I shared this prophetic word in many places around the United States for more than fifteen years and met some who were assigned to be the same voice and others who had encounters, also. Few could believe that the mighty ommunism of the USSR could fall during our lifetime. This insight was spoken by other credible voices also but it didn't seem possible. The USSR was such a looming giant. But God said through mere lips of clay that it would happen and it did and millions turned to Jesus as a result. My family moved to the northeast corner of Wyoming in 1982 to pastor a church in my birth town of Gillette. Our church invited a lady named Billy Brim, a spiritual mother, prophet, and teacher from Oklahoma to come and do a conference. She rallied churches wherever she traveled to pray for the liberation of the Communist Bloc nations and for the fall of Russian communism 33

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