Beginning Tomorrow Today - By Timothy Sherman
want to see the region of churches come together with plans and purposes to turn the region to Jesus. This new breed of leaders desire "His Kingdom to come" more than just building their own church or ministry. They want His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. These are those who want to know Him and make Him known everywhere. Those with the heart of Jesus will come together to establish His Kingdom in the lives o f whosoever will and not just their own. I'm encouraged to see this heart ofJesus happening on a very large scale in this region of PortlandNancouver and the Great Pa cific Northwest. This is also happening in cities and towns all over America. We have not seen anything like what is about to happen in America and the nations of the earth. The best and finest of Christ within is being brought forth even now in a new generation of be lievers o f every age and ethnicity. Multitudes are entering the King dom as new believers to walk through this time with the nearness of "The Return of the King" active in their mind. We live in the most incredible time in history for His supernatural Kingdom to manifest through His very own. We are privileged to walk as Jesus walked in His amazing love, power, and sound mind during the most challeng ing times in the history of mankind. The end times, the end of this age of fallen man, is now coming upon the race of man across the en tire face of the earth. The glorious church is arising. God's Kingdom is advancing. The Elijah army with the spirit and power of Elijah is arising to prepare the way and make ready a people for the Lord. The knowledge of the glory o f the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the se a. (Habakkuk 2:14).
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