Beginning Tomorrow Today - By Timothy Sherman

turn to the Lord and become the Elijah Army worldwide. God will accomplish all that is written in the Word of God concerning the spirit and power of Elijah before the second coming ofJesus.

The Elijah Army Vision

I had a vivid, very realistic night vision, which came to me in March 2011. I received it from the Lord giving direction about the spirit and power of Elijah coming upon an army o f saints. It is urgent that the church awakens from its slumber. The time is short: "For He will finish the work and cut [it] short in righteousness, because the LORD will make a short work upon the earth" (Romans 9:28). We have entered the beginning of sorrows and great darkness for the peoples of the world and for believers who are living in darkness. We who forge ahead into the constant Presence of the Lord shall rise and shine for the glory of the Lord is upon us, and we who receive the Elijah fire and light will be forerunners, much like John the Bap tist. In the vision I was slowly driving through a beautiful park. My wife and two of my children and one faceless young person were with me in my beautiful 1956 Lincoln car. I was driving on a single lane road. On the sidewalk beside the road, scattered all through the park, were many people of all ages but especially young adults about "college and career" age. As we moved slowly up a hill I noticed a small group gathering upon a little knoll on our right side just ahead of us. Sitting on a stool was a man in his thirties speaking in a medi um tone ofvoice. His voice was very powerful though he was making no effort to project or raise it. He was speaking the words o fJohn the Baptist and Elijah joined together. There was an amazing presence and authority upon him in a kind but firm way. He was captivating. I knew instantly he was Elijah or Jesus. He was medium height and strong in stature. His hair was blackish-red and sticking out in an 112

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