Beginning Tomorrow Today - By Timothy Sherman
Jesus said ofJohn the Baptist, ''And i f you are willing to re ceive it, he is Elijah who is to come" (Matthew 11:14). He said this after John was beheaded meaning that the spirit and power of Elijah would be sent again after John the Baptist. "Jesus answered and said to them, Indeed, Elijah is coming first and will restore all things" (Matthew 17:11). This going before Jesus in the spirit and power of Elijah, this turning of the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, is now being realized to its highest potential. The Elijah anointing is for the salvation o f the children of the harvest, the final generation before Jesus' return. It includes prophet ic evangelism with prophetic signs, wonders, and healing miracles. This anointing is for the preparing of an Elijah generation, an Elijah army that will prepare the way for the second coming, preparing a people for "the Return of the King." This is what took place in the nations of the USSR at the fall of the wall. It has been spreading to all nations for a harvesting of the harvesters for the great and final harvest here at the end of the age. The spirit and power of Elijah is what took place with me back in 1974 when I was translated to Russia and has been happen ing with multitudes ever since. The spirit and power of Elijah causes translations, as Elijah was translated often, as were many other saints I've written about in previous chapters. The spirit and power of Eli jah prepared a people for the fulfillment of the supernatural salva tions, translations, visions, miracles and transformations of the youth in Moscow in the early 1990s. These things have been happening in increasing numbers with many receiving the spirit and power of Elijah all over the world. It is no longer coming upon only one person. It is a corporate anointing and it is about to happen again, worldwide, with leaders, mentors, prophets, and with prophetic fathers and mothers anointed with the Elijah anointing to equip the saints. This will happen on a scale not yet seen. Tens of millions will 111
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