Beginning Tomorrow Today - By Timothy Sherman

Seeing the Heavenly In the Book

Do we make use of the Word of God and the loving power of God to picture the Kingdom of heaven and heavenly supernatural scenes? We must be guided by the highest patterns-the Word of God. Your mind will generate its own picture when you read ofJesus seated on the throne of grace or you can picture His healing a man on a cot lowered down through a hole in the roof torn open by his friends. lhis picturing of those scenarios is where the Holy Spir it wants to take us, as the Spirit and the Word will always agree. Heavenly and glorious visuals and pictures are all through the Bible. Amazing signs, miracles, and wonders were a reality in the early church and are written about in almost every generation in the Bi ble. This included all the future generations on earth. Therefore we should read, stop, and picture what we have just read, bring it to life, and then time travel to that instant in the Scripture by imagining it in our heart and mind. It's simple. As Jesus hung upon the cross suffering and dying in your place, a sinless man for sinful humanity, He looked out through time and saw you and the multitudes of humanity. He knew you before time began. He knew your life and gazed into your hopeful eternity. He drew you through time and saw you in Himself Through God's faith working by His love, your lost and empty life was put to death in the substitutionary sacrifice o f you-in-Him, putting your old life to death on the cross. When He arose from the dead you arose into new life with Him who is alive forevermore. You are now a God-species for eter nity, a child of destiny. You are now a supernatural being oflove-light shining in a dark world.Jesus in you is now bringing some of heaven to displace the hell of poverty, sickness, sorrow, and shame with His love, joy and peace on earth thereby revealing your Father to you. 109

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