Awakened and Aligned
In Christ is the New Wine, the new paradigm, the Kingdom of God in full manifestation in the earth, the fullness of His Presence, the glory of His Truth, the power of His love, the understanding to live as His Kingdom of priests, His holy nation, and a people belonging to Him. Taste and see that the LORD is good! Then, serve this New Wine to the masses, one person at a time. His holy beautiful Presence. The Wedding Supper of the Lamb is not far away…let us as His people move into the Kingdom Paradigm, int o God’s Government and rule, into His order of being and doing, and watch His New Wine and Oil pour out! Thank You, Lord, for new wine skins to hold, carry, and dispense the new wine You are pouring out in this hour. And by Your Spirit, for enlarging us to receive and carry out Your mandate on this earth. By Your great grace and by Your Spirit, You are opening the spiritual eyes of Your people to see as You see, and their hearts to know as You know; the understanding to move as You move. New Wine Skins
Paradigms are shifting. Mindsets are changing. Hearts are bending to the will of the Father.
The Spirit is breathing, causing life to bloom where man’s way of doing had brought death. Streams in the dessert…waters gushing forth.
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