Awakened and Aligned
earth, His order re-established among men, a new and living way through His Blood that takes us beyond the conformity of religious rituals, and the results of immediate obedience to His Voice. Jesus instructed the servants at the wedding to take the six stone water jars that were used for ceremonial washing and fill them with water to be turned into wine. The number six is the number of man. The jars, or vessels, were used for ceremonial washing. Jesus took what was used by men to pronounce themselves ceremonially clean and filled these vessels with new wine to serve to the guests at the wedding celebration. What a glorious picture of the Redemption of Jesus Christ; to bring man out of their own works of striving to attain salvation and eternal purpose and restoring us to our Father’s original intent to be in perfect relationship with Himself! This is the New Wine that is to be served to the masses, and it tastes so incredibly good compared to the old batch, that people take notice. The old wine has just a hint of w hat it’s really supposed to taste like…but once you taste the real thing, nothing else will satisfy. The call is again going out in this generation, as it has in each generation since the Lord Jesus Christ’s first coming, to go beyond the rituals of man’ s religion and let Him fill His vessels with the New Wine of His Spirit and live as sons and daughters of God! He is taking the wisdom of man and bringing it to nothing. He is taking the foolish things to confound the ‘wise’ of this world. He is calling Hi s Church out of their ritualistic boxes and into relationship with Himself…living, breathing, moving, vibrant, life -giving.
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