Awakened and Aligned


A place of freedom. A place of rest.

A place of joy unspeakable and full of glory. A place of oneness with our Lord and King. A place of unparalleled vision. A place of knowing Him…going with Him wherever He goes. Maybe you are aware of the change in seasons. The winter is over, the springtime has come. Maybe you have heard the cooing of the turtledove in the land, smelt the fragrance of the trees and flowers in bloom, and have even ascended the mountain with your Beloved.

Yet again, He calls …

What territory awaits? What new land is on the horizon? Will we listen for, and heed the voice of our Beloved? Will we trust Him?

Song of Solomon 2:8-14 ~ 1 Corinthians 2:6-12 ~ Matthew 11:28-30

Hebrews 4:1-11 ~ Isaiah 40:29-31

Mountain of the Lord

We have seen a poor reflection Like in a mirror of what’s supposed to be

But I want to see You face to face And feel the touch of Your reality


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