Awakened and Aligned

Rest comes when we abandon ourselves to the voice of our Lord and simply trust Him at His word.

Responding in obedience to His prompting. Responding in faithfulness to His voice. The only way we can trust with absoluteness is if we know someone. To know Him is to love Him. To love Him is to follow Him…without reservation.

…As our grip becomes tighter around His hand, we respond to the voice of our Beloved in full assurance of faith in Him and His love for us…

”Yes, we trust You…”

With great intention, we lean into Him as He poises to take flight from the mountaintop. Together with Him, we lean into the Wind of His Spirit. At first, it takes our breath away. We feel our heart racing in anticipation of what is to come. Ready, waiting for the voice of our Beloved.

He speaks, “It’s time, My love.”

Again, we squeeze His hand in absolute trust as we lean into His Wind, and off the edge of the rock. Just for a second, it feels like we are free-falling. Then, the updraft of His Wind catches us and lifts us up, up, up. We are soaring with our Beloved on wings as eagles.


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