Awakened and Aligned

brings more scriptures to you, but also shows you other ‘beyonds’ that you can examine intimately with Him… the honor of kings indeed!

First, a prayer of surrender…

“Holy Spirit, thank You for teaching us and leading us into all Truth. Thank You for making known to us the heart of the Father, the life of the Son, and the realities of the Kingdom that we are of. Thank You for growing us into His image as we lend ourselves to Your perfect work. As we surrender all we have ever known or thought we have known into Your hands, we trust You to show us, to reveal to us, all that we need to see and to know today. Thank You for showing us how and empowering us to live in the ‘beyond’ of great and mighty things that we have not known, to the glory of our Father and our King.”

Beyond visitation, to habitation. [Ephesians 2:19-22, 1 Peter 2:4-9, John 14:19-23, John 17:6-26]

Beyond revival, to awakening. [Ephesians 5:8-17, Revelation 3:1-6;14-22]

Beyond religion , to relationship . [Colossians 2-3:4]

Beyond knowing of Him, to knowing Him. [Matthew 7:21-23, Matthew 25:1-13]

Beyond the status quo, to following Him wherever He goes. [Matthew 7:13-23]


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