Awakened and Aligned
Living in the absolute fulfilling joy of relationship with the One who formed us and breathed His life into us! Carrying within us the Hope of glory, and the wisdom of Heaven for His creation.
One of the meanings to ‘search out’ in the verse above in the Hebrew language is to 'examine intimately.'
It’s as though Father is saying, “in -to-Me-see. ”
What matters have we taken just by the exterior ‘value’, or because of what has been told to us by another source, instead of searching out the heart of Father for ourselves? Being led into the deep places of His heart by His Spirit that lives in us. New horizons to see and to know as we walk with Him.
An unlocking … An unfolding... An unveiling... His revealing...
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I pray that as we journey into His heart, that the veils are removed from our minds and hearts to clearly see what He wants us to know...the mysteries He longs to share. To KNOW Him above all. To see Him above all. To be in love with Him above all. To be His, above all. Below are several matters that came to me concerning going beyond and digging deeper. There are more that continue to come to me that aren’t written here. Many of the scriptures referenced overlap with the other 'beyonds' listed on this page. I encourage you to dig with me into these ‘beyonds’ as you read through the scriptures, and as Holy Spirit not only
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