Awakened and Aligned
“Father, Daddy God, let Your Kingdom come, let Your will be done on earth through us, just as it is in Heaven. That we would have eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to know You, love You, and follow You. That our hearts would be perfectly in union with Yours in this hour, to see the hearts of Your children returning to the heart of their Father. To YOUR joy, Daddy. So be it, according to Your Word ~ Amen”
“I pray that Your people would be still , and just listen to You .”
Too much clamor… Too much busyness… Too much of man’s agenda... Too much running and doing…
Be still and listen to His still small Voice. What is He saying? What does He want?
Wait… Linger… Listen…
You might be surprised at what you hear, and what you will come to know, as you are quiet enough to open your heart to listen.
There are mysteries, secrets, desires, compassions, yearnings, burdens, hurts, purposes, plans, and a greater Love than
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