Awakened and Aligned

Then I began imploring for the nations and all creation to awaken to the voice and the love of Papa God …” Come , come, come…listen, hear, KNOW the heart of your Father! Be reconciled to the One who loves you!” The Blood of Jesus will call out for all eternity ...” I LOVE YOU!” I see the Blood of the Lamb that speaks of a covenant of Love between the Father and His creation in the prophetic message of the Blood Moons. Four Blood Moons within two years, taking place on specific dates according to God’s timeline…two on Passover, and two on Feast of Tabernacles. Jesus is our Passover Lamb that has conquered death and made the way for us back to the Father, and He has come to live (tabernacle) in us, and He is coming again to take us to Himself! Oh how His heart, His love, wants all people in that number…that not one would be lost, but they would hear His voice and come home, to His heart. “Here we are…” God is speaking, He always has been. There are moments when He appears to raise the volume of His sound and paint with c olors that are more vivid…to get our attention. It’s as though He is desperate for us to hear and see. His heart longs for us to know Him. His heart longs for His creation to know Him, their Creator and Father, Daddy and God. His love is calling out. Are we listening? Those that know and love Him …. are we partnering with Him in the cry of His heart? Time has always been of the essence…but NOW, “Here We Are”. Let us be fully awake, completely alert, totally engaged, and humbly united with the heart of our Father God.


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