Awakened and Aligned

ideas, we need to acknowledge Him and submit one to another in His leading with those He’s placed us in covenant with. It keeps His truth before us, His vision before us, our hearts aligned with Him and one another, and exposes the lies and tactics of the enemy (in this vulnerable transparency there is nowhere for him to hide). Daddy God’s love is our motivation, and His voice orders our next step; not the seemingly urgent or the anxiety of what tomorrow holds…just His wonderful, beautiful, assuring voice of wisdom and grace that guides our every step. At this sound we take courage! At this sound we advance! So let us continue in the rest of the Lord, looking into His face, and only being about our Father’s business. We will not go back to the bondage of Egypt in man-made busyness or expectations, nor to the systems of Babylon that are ladened with idols. We will keep in step with the Spirit. We will keep in step with His heart.


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