Awakened and Aligned
We continue to inquire of the Lord, and He is so faithful to speak, direct, and guide by His Spirit. Nothing missing, and nothing lacking in Him. Even though it may feel like we are being pushed through the ring of fire as God’s new thing is being birthed, He has got it…He has got us…H e has got it all, and we can trust His process. His process continues to refine us, grow us, and enlarge us for this next level of glory. As I was feeling some intensity the other day, I began to ask the Lord for His mindset… His perspective. As we ask the Lord for His view to clearly see and move forward in alignment with His heart, there is an understanding, a peace, and a knowing that comes. It is our daily portion…”Father , give us this day our daily bread .” We are not striving to make something happen, but we inquire of the Lord and wait on Him. Those that wait on the Lord will renew their strength and will mount up on wings as eagles. The air current of Holy Spirit lifts us to the heights because we have learned to wait on the Lord. And from up there, we have an eagle’s eye view! We are no longer seeing with a limited perspective, but we have an aerial view that sees the whole landscape. Another beautiful part of seeking out and being one with the heart of our Father, is that His confirmation comes through each other as we yield ourselves to His v oice…out of the mouth of two or three witnesses let a thing be established. Everything from spiritual direction and strategies to practical The unfolding of His plan is one step, one day, one moment at a time.
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