Awakened and Aligned

The Opposite Gate

T here has been an unlocking, an unfolding, the last two years of an experiential word the Lord gave in February of 2020. Several times I have begun to write this story, but it hasn’t fully come together to release this word, until now. So, this message is going out on the 22 nd day in the 2 nd month of the year 2022, on a Tuesday, 2 years after its occurrence. This is an Open Gate Day on Father’s timeline. This is a year of depths of covenant love like we have not yet experienced. In this time of convergence where two become one, I believe there will be an acceleration of His mysteries made known…Kingdom realities experienced, understood, and established. The colors of this God-story are even more brilliant today as I have watched substance of it come into being over the past two years. I ask Holy Spirit to speak to our hearts and highlight anything He wants us to see, to know, as we read the words of this experience. Before we get into the story, could we please lift our hearts to our Lor d and King… “Lord, we can’t go back the way we’ve come. There is no going back. What would we even go back to? You have the Words of Life…You ARE the Word of Life, and our hearts burn, knowing that we must be where YOU are. You have invited us to go beyond and discover the fullness of YOU, and the mysteries of Your heart for this coming age. You are showing us a template that we have not yet seen, a way that we have not yet been, and a glory that we have not yet known. We ask for Your grace to let it all go …the familiar,


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