Awakened and Aligned
revelation He speaks, in dreams and visions, in visitations, in worship, in songs, in poetry, in art, in dance, in His creation, in signs and wonders, in our earthly relationships, even in trials and hardships…just to name a few...there is so much more. The words I hear right now are, “How do I love thee, let Me count the ways.” He who is The Word is always speaking…will we ch oose to listen? If we do, we will be transformed into His very image from the inside out. We trust in the Lord with all our hearts and do not lean on our own understanding, but we acknowledge Him in all our ways, and He will direct our paths. We have the choice to put our hearts above our heads as we bow before Him, come to Him as a child in full trust, and as a mature son (or daughter) live in the fullness of relationship that He created us to live in with Him before the beginning of time. I love, and I am in Love, with The Eternal Word of God. He is my Source, my Life, my Everything. My pursuit is to know HIM, and to be just like the One I love.
JESUS, You Are
JESUS, You are the Hope of the nations. The Light in the darkness. The Truth amidst confusion. The Peace in the storm.
The Redeemer of mankind. The Restorer of the broken. Our Righteousness, our Salvation, our Defender, our Healer.
You are my Song in the night. My Shield in the day. My Strength in weakness.
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