Awakened and Aligned
will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness! (To get a fuller scope, it is great to read verse 13 through 29.) In the Greek, the word “knew” in verse 23 is: 1097 ginosko – properly, to know , especially through personal experience (first hand acquaintance). Strong’s Concordance number 1097/ginosko (“experientially know”) is used for example in Luke 1:34, “And Mary [a virgin] said to the angel, “How will this be since I do not know (1097/ginosko = sexual intimacy ) a man?” (Strong’s Concordance Reference) It is about walking and living in the reality of who Jesus is, the Living Word! The only way that is possible is to have a heart knowledge of Him, and that must include experiencing Him. To have a living understanding of The Word. Without knowing Him in this way, we won’t know Him as He knows us. Without knowing Him in this way, we will have no idea of who we are in Him…who He has created us to be in Him before the very foundations of the earth. Without knowing Him in this way, we won’t understand the hope He has called us to in Himself. To operate as mature sons and daughters of God, as a royal priesthood and a holy nation, a people belonging to Him, we must know Him in this experiential heart knowledge of THE Word. To operate as heirs of God, and co- heirs with Christ, ruling and reigning with Him…i t is vital and necessary to walk with Him in the cool of the day and allow Him to manifestly reveal Himself to us however He sees fit. For He is God, and we are not. We experience Him, we encounter Him, we live Life with Him who IS The Word in His written Word, in His spoken Word, in communing and dialoguing with Him, in sitting with Him and soaking in His Presence, in writing down the
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