Awakened and Aligned

with the cadence of Heaven. A people of God waking from their slumber to the reality of Jesus and the Truth of God's Word, and functioning as a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to Him. His holy habitation. That we would KNOW Him and understand the hope that He has called us to in Him. To be one with Him and aligned with His heart. All men drawn to HIM. Jesus be seen...Jesus be known! That Father’s full intent would be accomplished through us, as the fullness of Jesus is made manifest in us. Proclaiming Jesus Christ. Declaring the Word of the Lord. Releasing the Song of the Lamb. Living the Love of the Father. Being ambassadors of the Kingdom, and citizens of Heaven on this earth. Seated with Him. A love that we were created for. An eternity we were destined to live. Multitudes who have been in the valley of decision are awakening to Reality…the King and His Kingdom. I pray the message found in what you are about to read will provide a contrast that brings revelation, an encouragement of confirmation, a source of hope, and a support for those who are navigating waters of transition or helping others who are finding their way…out to Him.

“…These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes…” Revelation 14:4

For the King & the Kingdom, Tammy Yearsley


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