Awakened and Aligned

In a sea of voices there is One Voice that is calling His people out from conformity to the status quo…out of the systems of this world, out of traditions of men, out of religious rituals, and out of man-made agendas. Beyond the fear of man, beyond comfort, beyond mixture, beyond self, beyond this world. He is calling a people to wake up from their slumber and rise from the dead, so Christ may shine on them…and through them ! My heart is to encourage a people to follow the Lamb wherever He goes. To exhort a people to come out of conformity and mixture, and come into a oneness with Him, His heart, His love, His Word. A life of unadulterated worship. Our entire being engaged, mobile, and fluid with Holy Spirit. Partnering with the desires and purposes of our Father’s heart, releasing them in the earth as we operate in Heaven’s Wisdom and Understanding. For those who have heard the Voice of their Beloved and have come out to Him, there is a holy discontentment for anything less than all of Him. No man-originated modes, methods, or efforts could ever be a substitute for the fullness, beauty, and majesty of our One and Only Love and Lord. There are no comparisons between the two, and mixture of the Authentic with the plastic does not produce lasting or edible fruit. By the Spirit of God, I contend to see a people growing up into the fullness of Jesus Christ. A bride made ready and living out her eternal purpose in such oneness with the heart of her Bridegroom that there is no distinction between the two …wh en the world looks at us, they will see Him. Sons walking in their Father's identity and bringing liberty with every step. An army of the King that is marching in unison


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