Awakened and Aligned

It was purely the way of the Lion of Judah.

HIS roar, HIS breath,

HIS truth, HIS light, and it is on HIS shoulders that HE carries us !

These were the words that I heard as this picture was unfolding:

Swiftly. Precisely. Everyone in their place.

The great intentions and love of our Lord and King!

The great intentions and strategies of the Commander of the army of the Living God and the Heavenly hosts!

His heart burns with intention! That the intention of His heart would burn through us!

One with His heart. One with His will. One with His Word.

A consummation of time and purpose. Fulfillment of the ages.

Swiftly. Precisely. Everyone in their place.

“Lord and King, we come before You. We stand in stillness in Your Presence. We are humbled by the beauty and the majesty of Who


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