Awakened and Aligned

breath of His Spirit. A complete sense of knowing and assurance. A place of total security and perfect peace.

No doubt, no fear…just Him .

During this time, I was aware it wasn’t just me as an individual that was standing before Him, it was us as His people, His beloved, His bride. This is for those who choose to posture themselves before Him in humility, truth, sincerity, vulnerability, and love. Then, in the next moment, I (we) were swept onto His back and He was running swiftly, taking us to our destination. Although the scenery was a blur as we rode on the back of the Great Lion, there was the extreme knowing that every step was precise, and He was taking us exactly where He purposed for us to be.

It was… pure .

No fear and intimidations. No lies being believed as truth.

No mixture of man imposing his will and calling it God’s will. No substituting the power and activity of Holy Spirit with man’s strength or intellect.

No pride. No agendas. No missteps. No side trails. No wanderings. No lost ground, or lost time.

Our hearts had been aligned with His. Made one with Him. Pure. A straight shot of the arrow with nothing in the way.


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