Awakened and Aligned

provides the overall perfect picture of His intentional Design. As we know, there is no time or distance in the realm of the Spirit…. And many times, God speaks a thing to someone, works it out in them, and then releases it to others when the time is right. He builds line upon line and precept upon precept. His timing is always perfect in the unfolding and the release is always right on time. I would encourage all who read these intentional words of the Spirit, to take your time and “digest” what is written here. These words were written with intention and should be read wit h intention…. Gleaning from them the Truth and the Love from our precious Lord Jesus that is meant to impact your heart and your life. … Letting Him speak to your heart as only He can do. Take the time to read, ponder and savor what He is speaking to you. Diving in and asking yourself the questions that Tammy has brought forth in these writings. Ask Holy Spirit to reveal what He is wanting you to know about Himself, Papa God and Beautiful Jesus…. And who you are in Them…. And who They can be through you . Jesus, have Your perfect will and Your perfect way in the hearts and the minds of those that will be partaking of Your goodness, love, grace and mercy as they read these words of love that You have orchestrated for this day and time for Your beloved.

Dive into the Deep & Enjoy!

~ Christy Thomason , Counselor & Inner Healing Ministries, Teacher & Speaker, and radical lover of Jesus!


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